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Coleopterist's Day, Liverpool Museum, 17thSeptember 2022

The recent pandemic has prevented us from having any physical Coleoptera-based meetings for the past two years and the community has felt that a return to normality was long overdue, with an appetite for a meeting this year. To this end, ColSoc, the organizers of the Coleopterist’s Day, and the organizers of the Northern Coleopterists’ meeting, have come together to arrange a day meeting this autumn, on 17th September 2022. The timing and format are yet to be finalized, but will broadly follow previous formats, with talks in the morning, and collections access in the afternoon.

Liverpool Museum was selected as the venue for the meeting as it is currently one of the few major centres which can host the event, as the Oxford University Museum of Natural History collections are in store off-site, and Manchester Museum is undergoing refurbishment works. This also linked with a desire to move the meeting to different venues over time, to bring access to a geographically wider range of the community.

Programme details are to follow. We hope you will be able to attend and look forward to welcoming you to Liverpool.

Gary Hedges, World Museum Liverpool

Helen Roy, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Don Stenhouse, Staphylinidae Recording Scheme Organizer

Clive Washington, Secretary ColSoc

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