Our Mission
To best serve this community, ColSoc has identified four key challenges, referred to by the abbreviation CORE (Conservation - Organisation - Research - Education); these challenges will form the mission of the Society into the future.
ColSoc will promote and take an active role in the conservation of beetles and their habitats. It will develop a set of standards for beetle recording and collecting, and liaise with policy makers, other conservation agencies and NGOs.
ColSoc will develop suitable structures to enable it to reach out to and assist coleopterists and naturalists with an interest in coleoptera. It will encourage and nurture new enthusiasts, whilst providing social and learning opportunities through a supporters programme.
ColSoc will encourage and support quality research into the beetle fauna of Britain and Ireland. It will also assist existing publications to gain new audiences and help to develop new publications.
ColSoc will build an innovative education and awareness platform across traditional and new media, create an extensive Schools Programme, and regular public awareness campaigns.
ColSoc has an ambitious mission and to achieve these goals we will work with our supporters and through partnerships with like-minded organisations and companies.
If your company or organisation would like to work with ColSoc please contact our Secretary in the first instance: colsocinfo+secretary@gmail.com